How to Fight the Sunday Scaries

Written by: Alycia Oliver MCP, RCC

What are the Sunday Scaries?

If you haven’t heard of the term Sunday scaries, you will likely read this post and think “ohh yea, I’ve felt this!”. The Sunday scaries are a wave of emotions that arrive on the last day of the weekend. All of a sudden the anxiety sets in, the to-do lists creep up, and our body becomes slightly dysregulated. You want to enjoy your Sunday evening, but you can’t get the anxious whispers to stop!

Firstly, you’re not alone! So much so, that this term has become popular among society for years. This doesn’t surprise me… we are meaning making machines after all.

But let’s cut to the chase and learn some tools for creating a smooth transition from Sunday Funday to Monday at the office.


5 tips for Squashing the Sunday Scaries:

1. Get Present

The Sunday scaries are rooted in focusing on the next week of tasks and responsibilities. This is all future-based thinking! If you incorporate some mindfulness into your Sunday, honing into the here and now, anxiety will decrease. This may not come easily right away but with practice, it will begin to get easier.

You may want to try mindful walking. Get out of your apartment, go for a stroll, and focus on your 5 senses. What can you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel? Or you may want to meet a friend for coffee and set the intention of diving into learning something new about them, of being present with a meaningful connection in your life.

2. Plan weekday fun

Who says we have to live for the weekends!? When we do this, our Sunday scaries can be exemplified. Planning fun activities during the week will give you something to look forward to and hopefully ease the feelings of dread.


3. Rest & Recover

What each person needs on a Sunday afternoon/evening can vary. You may be someone who wants to connect with family and friends or may be someone who needs some solo time to reset. There is no wrong way of living your Sunday, but it is important to know what your body needs.  Going from zero to one hundred is never an easy transition and may invite anxiety to the Sunday party!


4. Do your big social plans on Friday

If you’re needing to blow off steam and have a few drinks but also have the tendency to get the Sunday scaries, I recommend doing this on your Friday night. This will give you time to recover. Alcohol withdrawal impacts the level of serotonin in our brain- which of course will increase the Sunday blues. Hangovers welcome anxiety. We’re going for the prevention rather than the crisis management approach here.


5. Befriend your Anxiety

Now if you’ve tried all these things and are still feeling anxious, it is important to acknowledge your anxiety rather than resist it. When we resist emotions they come on stronger. No one likes to feel ignored, not even those pesky anxious thoughts. Start by saying “ Anxiety is visiting me, it is okay I feel this way. This will pass”. While you sit with these emotions, do something to comfort yourself to help you move through them.


Final Note:

The Sunday scaries are an uncomfortable feeling. It’s a less-than-ideal mindset to kick off your week. So, on your next Sunday, try these 5 strategies to set you up for success!

Alycia OliverAlycia